Mortons Archive - Classic motorcycle and transport image gallery archive


Searching all stock for "attended":


 Mr & Mrs A J Mason , Miss E Lawson, Mrs D Hovell and Mr & Mrs P V Smaith arriving at Douglas on the Isle Of Man to attend a scooter rally in 1958 
 Keywords: Mr & Mrs, A J Mason, Miss E Lawson, Mrs D Hovell, Mr & Mrs P V Smith, Douglas, Isle Of Man, scooter rally, 1958
 Richard Wyler attending a motorcycle show in 1960 
 Keywords: Motorcycle, Motorbike, bike, rider, ride, riding, race, racer, racing, machine, Mortons Archive, Richard Wyler, show, 1960

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Glass plates > Easter meeting Donington 1933 (1 file)

062 SFTP 1 
 Straight from the plate - Easter meeting Donington 1933 - Massed start of the 500cc race.There was a huge crows in attendence taking up 'usual' positions . . . 
 Keywords: 1933, Donington Park, Glass plate, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Straight from the plate

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Collection (6 files)

A collection of images from our vast archive depicting motorcycles and motorcycling lifestyle from the early 1900's through to the present day.
 Rev. Bill Shergold chats with 59 Club members after the induction service in which he was officially appointed to the parish of St. Mary's, Paddington. Three hundered motorcyclists attended the service - and another 50 or 60 had to be left outside! 
 Keywords: 59 Club, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group
 Whit Monday 1914. Several Norton "Ferrets" in attendance. 
 Keywords: Brooklands, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Norton
GB0000014 copy 
 Whit Monday 1914. Several Norton "Ferrets" in attendance. 
 Keywords: Brooklands, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Norton
 Here is a coin-in-the-slot pump that was in service in Cheltenham in 1927! But the experiment made only a brief appearance at that time. The next year an Act of Parliament decreed that an attendant must always be on duty while fuel was being served. 
 Keywords: Female Riders, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group
Triumph bookazine101 
 T110s delivered to the Swedish police. The riders attended a course at the Army Motor School, Strangas. 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, motor cycle, motorcycle, The Scrapbook Series, Triumph
WD349087@Centre s Scooterin 
 Back in the day, Lambretta Concessionaires actively supported owners carrying out their own maintenance on their scooters, either through local dealers, or even specialist staff from HQ attending club meetings. The photograph is dated 19.03.59 which if correct suggests that the Series 1 Lambretta was well established by now (note the diagrams on the wall behind), so maybe this class in the London area was for 'shaft drive' models only? 
 Keywords: 2008, Centrespreads, March, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Scootering

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Collection > From our issues - motorcycles (17 files)

Images used in our publications, now available for commercial use.
001 7065 
 Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended the show 
 Keywords: 2014, December, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Portrait, The Classic MotorCycle
 Norton's seminal moment - Rem Fowler with his Peugeot-engined 1907 twin cylinder TT winning mount. James L Norton - his pit attendant - stands behind. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Norton, Norton Scrapbook Series, Rem Fowler
 1966 500 mile race, Percy Tait with attendant Phil Read 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Phil Read
BSA Factory 017 
 Bill Rawson (BSA General Manager) off to Ameriaca to attend a sales and dealer conferance to promote the range. 
 Keywords: BSA, Factory, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd
DSC 7041 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7057 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7065 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7066 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7067 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
 Testing the AMA Norton twins, in February 1964. Tom Kirby and Paddy Driver are in attendance. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Norton, Norton Scrapbook Series
Phil Read 3 
 500 miller race 26th June 1966 - Percy Tait attendant and Phil Read with his Bonneville 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Phil Read, Production Racing
WD198155@18 Frank Osgerby 0 
 Lambretta 250 Special 
 Keywords: RECORD BREAKING:, The Frank Osgerby interview, BY the mid-1970s Lambretta production in Italy had ceased and wi, Frank Osgerby first became interested in scooters in 1965, but i, Despite his time away, when he was back home he attended as many, One day in 1974 outside Freddie Frith's (the then Grimsby Lambre, Despite the fact that circuit racing was booming, scooter sprint, The machine in question was to be based around a Group 6 race bi
WD569674@66 196~1 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: “In winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before starting”!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ‘National Personality Girl’ contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
‘Publicity runs’ were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ‘experiment 
 Keywords: 1965 – THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569675@66 1965 London-Mil 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: “In winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before starting”!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ‘National Personality Girl’ contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
‘Publicity runs’ were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ‘experiment 
 Keywords: 1965 – THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569676@66 1965 Brighton 9 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: ìIn winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before startingî!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ëNational Personality Girlí contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
ëPublicity runsí were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ëexperiment 
 Keywords: 1965 ñ THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569677@66 1965 Fringe Li 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: ìIn winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before startingî!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ëNational Personality Girlí contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
ëPublicity runsí were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ëexperiment 
 Keywords: 1965 ñ THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569678@66 1965 Brighton C 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: ìIn winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before startingî!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ëNational Personality Girlí contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
ëPublicity runsí were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ëexperiment 
 Keywords: 1965 ñ THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Nick Nicholls collection (1 file)

The Nick Nicholls collection is recognised as one of the finest collections of motorcycle-sport images from the second half of the 20th century.
Nicholls 31 
 The first Mallory Park road race meeting of 1977 was cancelled, providing the opportunity to attend my only ice speedway event, the world final in 1977. 
 Keywords: July 04, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, The Classic MotorCycle

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection (1 file)

We have picked a range of stunning images from our vast archive for you to enjoy in print format. We add to this collection on a regular basis.
26-27 Bathtub 019 
 Wallet at the ready, a rider keeps a close eye on the meter as he watches the petrol pump attendant filling the under-seat petrol tank of his Ariel Leader. The '4/4' (four shellings and fourpence) on the side of the 'Areo Petrol' pump indecates that you could get over four gallons from \ pound note in the early 1960s. 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Archive collection (7 files)

The Mortons Archive team have carefully selected a collection of classic images from our archive, which have been used in our magazine titles recently.
DSC 7041 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7057 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7065 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7066 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
DSC 7067 
Stafford Show October 2014 - F1 star Sebastian Vettle attended
the show 
 Keywords: 2014, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, Joe Dick, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, Stafford Show
Phil Read 3 
 500 miller race 26th June 1966 - Percy Tait attendant and Phil Read with his Bonneville 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Phil Read, Production Racing
Triumph bookazine101 
 T110s delivered to the Swedish police. The riders attended a course at the Army Motor School, Strangas. 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, motor cycle, motorcycle, The Scrapbook Series, Triumph

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Archive collection > From our issues - motorcycles (1 file)

Images used in our publications, now available for commercial use.
 Testing the AMA Norton twins, in February 1964. Tom Kirby and Paddy Driver are in attendance. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Norton, Norton Scrapbook Series

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Famous motorcycle events and riders > Nick Nicholls collection (1 file)

The Nick Nicholls collection is recognised as one of the finest collections of motorcycle-sport images from the second half of the 20th century.
Nicholls 31 
 The first Mallory Park road race meeting of 1977 was cancelled, providing the opportunity to attend my only ice speedway event, the world final in 1977. 
 Keywords: July 04, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, The Classic MotorCycle

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Scootering Classics (6 files)

This collection from our archive shows off some of the classic scootering scenes from the 50's onwards. Many of these images have appeared with the Scootering Magazine as a centrespead.
WD349087@Centre s Scooterin 
 Back in the day, Lambretta Concessionaires actively supported owners carrying out their own maintenance on their scooters, either through local dealers, or even specialist staff from HQ attending club meetings. The photograph is dated 19.03.59 which if correct suggests that the Series 1 Lambretta was well established by now (note the diagrams on the wall behind), so maybe this class in the London area was for 'shaft drive' models only? 
 Keywords: 2008, Centrespreads, March, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Scootering
WD569674@66 196~1 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: “In winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before starting”!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ‘National Personality Girl’ contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
‘Publicity runs’ were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ‘experiment 
 Keywords: 1965 – THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569675@66 1965 London-Mil 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: “In winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before starting”!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ‘National Personality Girl’ contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
‘Publicity runs’ were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ‘experiment 
 Keywords: 1965 – THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569676@66 1965 Brighton 9 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: ìIn winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before startingî!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ëNational Personality Girlí contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
ëPublicity runsí were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ëexperiment 
 Keywords: 1965 ñ THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569677@66 1965 Fringe Li 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: ìIn winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before startingî!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ëNational Personality Girlí contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
ëPublicity runsí were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ëexperiment 
 Keywords: 1965 ñ THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa
WD569678@66 1965 Brighton C 
Scooters and Swinging Britain as seen through the eyes of Motor Cycle magazine

Alternative to what exactly? Well, you may be under the impression that 1965 was a seminal year of pep pill fuelled power pop featuring defining moments in music, fashion and film. But to those over thirty it mattered not a jot that Bob Dylan had gone electric. In this time of far less media saturation than today, it was much easier to create your own reality by restricting your reading matter to publications that confirmed your view of the world and ignoring everything else.
Motor Cycle was one such publication that gave a reassuring impression that nothing had really changed in the last ten years or so. Scooterists were still considered to be a bit daft and it was reported with some glee that Lambrettas running-in instructions included the immortal instruction: ìIn winter, let the engine idle for some minutes in order to warm up before startingî!
The Isle of Man Scooter Week took place as usual with a couple from Sweden winning the Loving Cup on their SS180. Incidentally, the attendance of 411 scooters was reported as being a record for this event, which rather suggests that some earlier events must have been rather small affairs. As always, any British scooter launch was eagerly reported upon, so the new Triumph T10 was given a fair amount of space and such a machine was won by Heather Desert in the ëNational Personality Girlí contest. Unfortunately, the T10 was to be the last serious British attempt at a mass produced scooter.
ëPublicity runsí were still in evidence and a couple of Britons (Bob Forrest Webb and Ian Speller), had carried out a Croydon backed non-stop journey from London to Milan on a GT200. On reaching Milan they posed dressed up as city gents. Other than the scooter itself, the whole episode has more of a feel of 1958 about it rather than 1965.
More general news included that of Douglas ceasing Vespa production at Kingswood, an ëexperiment 
 Keywords: 1965 ñ THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Vespa

Click below to purchase all images shown (you can fine-tune on next page):