Mortons Archive - Classic motorcycle and transport image gallery archive


Searching all stock for "walter":


 Walter Ross from Oakland with Harley Davidson Sportster whicg
h was clocked at 142.087 mph September 1961 
 Keywords: Motorcycle, Motorbike, bike, rider, ride, riding, race, racer, racing, machine, Mortons Archive, Walter Ross, Oakland, Harley Davidson, Sportster, 142.087 mph, September, 1961
Line Art 08 
 Walter Ruck drawn by Leyden 
 Keywords: Line drawing, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Motor Cycle
 Sand racing at Filey 1976, Walter Gibson and Martin Gibson on a Tribsa 650 sidecar unit. 
 Keywords: Motorcycle, Motorbike, bike, rider, ride, riding, race, racer, racing, machine, Mortons Archive, Sand Racing, sand, Filey, 1976, Walter Gibson, Martin Gibson, Tribsa, 650cc, sidecar, unit
 Walter Rusk - Velocette
 Walter Rusk at the Ulster GP 
 Keywords: Mortons Media Group Ltd, Uslter GP, Walter Rusk
 Walter Rusk rides an AJS in the 1939 Senior Isle Of Man TT 
 Keywords: 1939, AJS, Isle Of Man, Mortons Media Group Ltd, rides, Senior, TT, Walter Rusk
 Walter Rusk wearing a winners wreath at the Dutch TT 
 Keywords: Dutch TT, Mortons Media Group Ltd, TT, Walter Rusk, winner, wreath
 Walter Rusk trophy 1950 
 Keywords: 1950, Mortons Media Group Ltd, trophy, Walter Rusk

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Glass plates > 1925 Sidecar TT (1 file)

 Freddie Dixon, with Walter Denny in the chair operation the banking faclilty. THe motorcycle is a Douglas. 
 Keywords: 1925 Sidecar TT, 2011, December, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Sidecars, Straight from the plate, The Classic MotorCycle

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Collection (2 files)

A collection of images from our vast archive depicting motorcycles and motorcycling lifestyle from the early 1900's through to the present day.
 1923 Modle H Triumph at F. Walter's Garage, Louth, Lincolnshire. 
 Keywords: AA, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Triumph
 Demonstration of weatherproof sidecars. More than 70 motorcyclists took part in a rally last weekend organised by the makers of the TOM wind shield. The party is outside the White Lion, Cobham, where they were entertained to lunch by Sir Walter and Lady Susan Townley. 
 Keywords: Club Rallies etc., Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Collection > From our issues - motorcycles (17 files)

Images used in our publications, now available for commercial use.
072 Closer Look 01 
 The MZ camp at the 1959 TT. Luigi Taveri is in the saddle, Ernst Degner squats by the front wheel, Walter Kaaden is in the checked jacket. 
 Keywords: 2014, June, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, The Classic MotorCycle
074 closer look 01 
 George Tucker with Walter Moore in the chairracing to victory in the 1924 TT. 
 Keywords: 2014, January, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, The Classic MotorCycle
 Dave Chadwick (second left) would be riding East German MZs in 1960. MZ development engineer, Walter Kaaden (left) was in London the settle the deal. 
 Keywords: 1960, 2005, February, From our archive, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, The Classic MotorCycle
19m21 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW outfit in the 1957 TT at Clypse-Signpost 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
19m24 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW outfit in the 1957 TT at Clypse-Signpost 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
19m25 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW outfit in the 1957 TT at Clypse-Signpost 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
5b34 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW in the 1956 TT at Nursery Bends 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
5b34 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW in the 1956 TT at Nursery Bends 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
5t24 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW in the 1956 TT at Nursery Bends 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
 John Griffiths has Walter Baeton on a CZ in his sights at the 1965 Belgian GP. 
 Keywords: Classic Dirt Bike, Issue 32, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Off road
 John Griffiths has Walter Baeton on a CZ in his sights at the 1965 Belgian GP. 
 Keywords: Classic Dirt Bike, Issue 32, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Off road
classic racer cal 007 July 
 Walter Villa - Captured here on the 250cc Aermacchi, which he won four Grand Prix races on. 
 Keywords: 2012, Calendar, Classic Racer, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
Image 11 
 German Walter Zeller’s factory BMW’s are prepared in a Douglas garage for the 1953 TT. 
 Keywords: Isle of Man, Manx, Manx Grand Prix, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group
Nick N 28 09 11 003 
 NNC 28 09 11 003 - No. 32 Sten Lundi Lito and No. 1 Walter Baeten on a ESO Metisse 
 Keywords: 1964 Des Nations, Hawkstone, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Motocross, Nick Nicholls
Walter Moore 
 The rider with the helmet on is Tommy Bullus and the gentleman in the trilby is Walter Moore 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Portrait
 And here is a Continental scrambler - Walter Baeten's very fast Czechoslovak Eso. The model is light, but the handling is poor. 
 Keywords: Ex GB 1962, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group
 And here is a Continental scrambler - Walter Baeten's very fast Czechoslovak Eso. The model is light, but the handling is poor. 
 Keywords: Ex GB 1962, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Nick Nicholls collection (38 files)

The Nick Nicholls collection is recognised as one of the finest collections of motorcycle-sport images from the second half of the 20th century.
 1960 Isle of Man TT from left to right John Hempleman, Ernst Degner and Walter Kaaden witha a 250cc MZ 
 Keywords: 1960, 1960 Isle Of Man TT, Ernst Degner, Ersnt Degner, Isle of Man, John Kempleman, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, TT, Walter Kaaden with 250cc MZ
1978 TT 6m04 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
1978 TT 6m05 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
1978 TT 6m06 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
1978 TT 6t04 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
Nicholls 01 
 What started it all a totally inappropriate 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 folding Agfa camera shot og Walter Scneider and passenger Hans Strauss, on their 492cc BMW. 
 Keywords: July 04, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, The Classic MotorCycle
NNC 15 02 12 018 
 NNC 15 02 12 018 - Walter Zeller - 500cc BMW 
 Keywords: 1981, Brands Hatch, John Surtees Day, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 15 02 12 019 
 NNC 15 02 12 019 - Walter Zeller - BMW 
 Keywords: 1981, Brands Hatch, John Surtees Day, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 10B 9 
 Walter Zeller. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1956 TT 10M 16 
 Hans Strauss, Walter Schneider. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1956 TT 18T 26 
 Walter Zeller, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Senior Race 1957
NNC 1956 TT 19M 21 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 19M 24 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 19M 25 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 19T 19 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 1B 19 
 Walter Zeller riding a BMW, at Sulby Bridge. 
 Keywords: 1956 Senior TT, Action, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 1B 20 
 Walter Zeller riding a BMW, going through Ramsey. 
 Keywords: 1956 Senior TT, Action, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 25M 33 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Practice 1958
NNC 1956 TT 25M 35 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Practice 1958
NNC 1956 TT 25T 25 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Practice 1958
NNC 1956 TT 29B 33 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 29B 37 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 2T 30 
 Walter Zeller riding a BMW. 
 Keywords: 1956 Senior TT, Action, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 30B 28 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 30M 21 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 5B 34 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 5T 24 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 6B 26 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 6B 31 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 9T 8 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, Fritz Hillebrand, Manfred Grunwald, Florian Camathias. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1956 TT P17T 9 
 Walter Zeller, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Senior Race 1957
NNC 1959 TT 1M 3 
 Walter Schneider. 
 Keywords: 1959 TT, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1959 TT 4T 26 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Straus, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: 1959 Sidecar, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1959 TT 4T 28 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Straus, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: 1959 Sidecar, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 26 01 2012 042 
 NNC 26 01 2012 042 - Walter Ohramann adn Bernd Grube - 498cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1976, 500cc Sidecar TT, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 30-3-11 023 
 Walter Villa on a 250cc Harley Davidson 
 Keywords: 1977, British Grand Prix, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 8-4-11 031 
 Walter Villa on a Harley Davidson in the British 250 GP 
 Keywords: 1978, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Silverstone

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Nick Nicholls collection > Off road images (11 files)

NNC 01 12 11B 001 
 NNC 01 12 11B 001 - Walter Luft - 250cc KTM 
 Keywords: 1978, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial, Trials
NNC 11 10 12 N 026 
 NNC 11 10 12 N 026 - 1t4 - 148 Walter Dalton and Sammy Miller on motorcycles with Arthur Wheeler 
 Keywords: 1986, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Talmag Trial
NNC 11 10 12 N 027 
 NNC 11 10 12 N 027 - 1t3 - 148 Walter Dalton 497cc Ariel, Sammy Miller sat on the other motorcycle with Arthur Wheeler 
 Keywords: 1986, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Talmag Trial
NNC 16 10 2012 N 009 
 NNC 16 10 2012 N 009 - 3m27 - Sammy Miller watches Walter Stratford - 1963 250cc BSA 
 Keywords: 1986, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Scottish Pre 65 Trial
NNC 22-9-11 016 
 SSDT - Walter Luft riding a Puch on the Pipeline section. 
 Keywords: 1972 Scottish, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 22-9-11 018 
 SSDT - Walter Luft riding a 187cc Puch at Garbh Bheinn. 
 Keywords: 1972 Scottish, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 27 10 11 033 
 NNC 27 10 11 033 - Walter Luft on a 325cc Bultaco 
 Keywords: 1979, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Off road, Sottish Six Day Trial
NNC 28 09 11 003 
 NNC 28 09 11 003 - No. 32 Sten Lundi Lito and No. 1 Walter Baeten on a ESO Metisse 
 Keywords: 1964 Des Nations, Hawkstone, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Motocross, Nick Nicholls
NNC 28 11 11 024 
 NNC 28 11 11 024 - 34 Maurizio Dolce - Maico, 28 Gerrit Wolsink - Maico, 25 Walter Gruhler - Suzuki 
 Keywords: 1980, Farleigh Castle, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Motocross, MX Des Nations, Nick Nicholls, Off road
NNC OR 21-09-2011 002 
 Walter Luft on a 175cc Puch at Laggan Locks section in the 1970 SSDT. 
 Keywords: 1970, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial
NNC OR 21-09-2011 010 
 Walter Dalton riding a 252cc Bultaco on the Pipeline section in the 1971 SSDT. 
 Keywords: 1971, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Archive collection (5 files)

The Mortons Archive team have carefully selected a collection of classic images from our archive, which have been used in our magazine titles recently.
19m21 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW outfit in the 1957 TT at Clypse-Signpost 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
5t24 W Schneider 
 Walter Schneider and passenger Hans Strauss on a 500cc BMW in the 1956 TT at Nursery Bends 
 Keywords: BMW, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, Sidecar, TT
classic racer cal 007 July 
 Walter Villa - Captured here on the 250cc Aermacchi, which he won four Grand Prix races on. 
 Keywords: 2012, Calendar, Classic Racer, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
Walter Moore 
 The rider with the helmet on is Tommy Bullus and the gentleman in the trilby is Walter Moore 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Portrait
 And here is a Continental scrambler - Walter Baeten's very fast Czechoslovak Eso. The model is light, but the handling is poor. 
 Keywords: Ex GB 1962, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Archive collection > From our issues - motorcycles (3 files)

Images used in our publications, now available for commercial use.
classic racer cal 007 July 
 Walter Villa - Captured here on the 250cc Aermacchi, which he won four Grand Prix races on. 
 Keywords: 2012, Calendar, Classic Racer, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
Image 11 
 German Walter Zeller’s factory BMW’s are prepared in a Douglas garage for the 1953 TT. 
 Keywords: Isle of Man, Manx, Manx Grand Prix, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group
 And here is a Continental scrambler - Walter Baeten's very fast Czechoslovak Eso. The model is light, but the handling is poor. 
 Keywords: Ex GB 1962, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Famous motorcycle events and riders (1 file)

Images from Mark Wernham and Nick Nicholls collections - famous motorcycle racing events from the TT to modern day World Superbike races.
Image 11 
 German Walter Zeller’s factory BMW’s are prepared in a Douglas garage for the 1953 TT. 
 Keywords: Isle of Man, Manx, Manx Grand Prix, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Famous motorcycle events and riders > Nick Nicholls collection (36 files)

The Nick Nicholls collection is recognised as one of the finest collections of motorcycle-sport images from the second half of the 20th century.
1978 TT 6m04 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
1978 TT 6m05 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
1978 TT 6m06 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
1978 TT 6t04 
 Tom Herron (No. 8) riding a 500cc Suzuki leads John Williams (No. 6) on a 496cc Heron Suzuki and Walter Dawson (No. 78) on a 349cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1978 Senior TT, Action, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
Nicholls 01 
 What started it all a totally inappropriate 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 folding Agfa camera shot og Walter Scneider and passenger Hans Strauss, on their 492cc BMW. 
 Keywords: July 04, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls, The Classic MotorCycle
NNC 15 02 12 018 
 NNC 15 02 12 018 - Walter Zeller - 500cc BMW 
 Keywords: 1981, Brands Hatch, John Surtees Day, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 15 02 12 019 
 NNC 15 02 12 019 - Walter Zeller - BMW 
 Keywords: 1981, Brands Hatch, John Surtees Day, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 10B 9 
 Walter Zeller. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1956 TT 10M 16 
 Hans Strauss, Walter Schneider. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1956 TT 18T 26 
 Walter Zeller, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Senior Race 1957
NNC 1956 TT 19M 21 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 19M 24 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 19M 25 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 19T 19 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 1B 19 
 Walter Zeller riding a BMW, at Sulby Bridge. 
 Keywords: 1956 Senior TT, Action, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 1B 20 
 Walter Zeller riding a BMW, going through Ramsey. 
 Keywords: 1956 Senior TT, Action, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 25M 33 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Practice 1958
NNC 1956 TT 25M 35 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Practice 1958
NNC 1956 TT 25T 25 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Practice 1958
NNC 1956 TT 29B 33 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 29B 37 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 2T 30 
 Walter Zeller riding a BMW. 
 Keywords: 1956 Senior TT, Action, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Nick Nicholls
NNC 1956 TT 30B 28 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 30M 21 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar 1958
NNC 1956 TT 5B 34 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 5T 24 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 6B 26 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 6B 31 
 Walter Schneider, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Sidecar Race
NNC 1956 TT 9T 8 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Strauss, Fritz Hillebrand, Manfred Grunwald, Florian Camathias. 
 Keywords: Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1956 TT P17T 9 
 Walter Zeller, BMW. 
 Keywords: BMW, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection, Senior Race 1957
NNC 1959 TT 1M 3 
 Walter Schneider. 
 Keywords: 1959 TT, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1959 TT 4T 26 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Straus, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: 1959 Sidecar, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 1959 TT 4T 28 
 Walter Schneider, Hans Straus, 492 BMW. 
 Keywords: 1959 Sidecar, Mortons, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls Collection
NNC 26 01 2012 042 
 NNC 26 01 2012 042 - Walter Ohramann adn Bernd Grube - 498cc Yamaha 
 Keywords: 1976, 500cc Sidecar TT, Isle of Man, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 30-3-11 023 
 Walter Villa on a 250cc Harley Davidson 
 Keywords: 1977, British Grand Prix, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 8-4-11 031 
 Walter Villa on a Harley Davidson in the British 250 GP 
 Keywords: 1978, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Silverstone

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Famous motorcycle events and riders > Nick Nicholls collection > Off road images (11 files)

NNC 01 12 11B 001 
 NNC 01 12 11B 001 - Walter Luft - 250cc KTM 
 Keywords: 1978, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial, Trials
NNC 11 10 12 N 026 
 NNC 11 10 12 N 026 - 1t4 - 148 Walter Dalton and Sammy Miller on motorcycles with Arthur Wheeler 
 Keywords: 1986, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Talmag Trial
NNC 11 10 12 N 027 
 NNC 11 10 12 N 027 - 1t3 - 148 Walter Dalton 497cc Ariel, Sammy Miller sat on the other motorcycle with Arthur Wheeler 
 Keywords: 1986, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Talmag Trial
NNC 16 10 2012 N 009 
 NNC 16 10 2012 N 009 - 3m27 - Sammy Miller watches Walter Stratford - 1963 250cc BSA 
 Keywords: 1986, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Scottish Pre 65 Trial
NNC 22-9-11 016 
 SSDT - Walter Luft riding a Puch on the Pipeline section. 
 Keywords: 1972 Scottish, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 22-9-11 018 
 SSDT - Walter Luft riding a 187cc Puch at Garbh Bheinn. 
 Keywords: 1972 Scottish, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls
NNC 27 10 11 033 
 NNC 27 10 11 033 - Walter Luft on a 325cc Bultaco 
 Keywords: 1979, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Off road, Sottish Six Day Trial
NNC 28 09 11 003 
 NNC 28 09 11 003 - No. 32 Sten Lundi Lito and No. 1 Walter Baeten on a ESO Metisse 
 Keywords: 1964 Des Nations, Hawkstone, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Motocross, Nick Nicholls
NNC 28 11 11 024 
 NNC 28 11 11 024 - 34 Maurizio Dolce - Maico, 28 Gerrit Wolsink - Maico, 25 Walter Gruhler - Suzuki 
 Keywords: 1980, Farleigh Castle, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Motocross, MX Des Nations, Nick Nicholls, Off road
NNC OR 21-09-2011 002 
 Walter Luft on a 175cc Puch at Laggan Locks section in the 1970 SSDT. 
 Keywords: 1970, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial
NNC OR 21-09-2011 010 
 Walter Dalton riding a 252cc Bultaco on the Pipeline section in the 1971 SSDT. 
 Keywords: 1971, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Glass plates > 1925 Sidecar TT (1 file)

 Freddie Dixon, with Walter Denny in the chair operation the banking faclilty. THe motorcycle is a Douglas. 
 Keywords: 1925 Sidecar TT, 2011, December, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Sidecars, Straight from the plate, The Classic MotorCycle

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Glass plates > Glass plates > 1925 Sidecar TT (1 file)

 Freddie Dixon, with Walter Denny in the chair operation the banking faclilty. THe motorcycle is a Douglas. 
 Keywords: 1925 Sidecar TT, 2011, December, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Sidecars, Straight from the plate, The Classic MotorCycle

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Trials - Nick Nicholls Collection > Scottish Six Days Trial 1969-1979 (4 files)

Nick Nicholls collections - famous event
 NNC 01 12 11B 001 - Walter Luft - 250cc KTM 
 Keywords: 1978, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial, Trials
 NNC 27 10 11 033 - Walter Luft on a 325cc Bultaco 
 Keywords: 1979, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Off road, Sottish Six Day Trial
 Walter Luft on a 175cc Puch at Laggan Locks section in the 1970 SSDT. 
 Keywords: 1970, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial
 Walter Dalton riding a 252cc Bultaco on the Pipeline section in the 1971 SSDT. 
 Keywords: 1971, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, Nick Nicholls, Sottish Six Day Trial

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* Some sale items not available for every image.